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Neurologic and Headache Associates

Conditions Treated

Commonly Treated Conditions

  • Alzheimer's Disease

    A type of dementia which is characterized by short term memory loss, intermittent confusion, and repetitiveness. Early diagnosis and treatment will aid in slowing the progression of the disease process.
  • Bell's Palsy

    Common cause of facial paralysis that may result from a viral illness. Lyme disease must also be excluded as a potential cause. Studies have demonstrated lack of efficacy of anti-viral agents.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    A common cause of numbness and tingling of the first three fingers characteristically associated with repetitive movement. Particularly symptomatic at night and easily diagnosed by an EMG test.
  • Concussions

    Mild brain injury as a result of trauma presenting as confusion, malaise or headaches.
  • Dizziness / Vertigo

    A sensation of feeling faint, light headed or spinning.
  • Epilepsy (Seizures)

    Abnormal electrical activity of the brain which may present as involuntary movements, passing out spells, lapses of awareness, and excessive daydreaming as examples of a few of the symptoms.
  • Gait Dysfunctions

    An abnormality in walking frequently resulting in falls.
  • Headache

    Do you think you suffer from sinus headaches? Numerous studies have documented that between 70-95% of "sinus headache" sufferers actually have Migraine. Migraines are frequently triggered by changes in weather, stress, certain foods, and hormonal fluctuations.
  • Multiple Sclerosis

    A demyelinating disease of the central nervous system characterized by some of the following symptoms: visual loss in one eye, double vision, vertigo, numbness, weakness, clumsiness and gait disturbance for which there are a number of effective treatments when diagnosed early.
  • Parkinson's Disease

    A common movement disorder associated with rigidity, shuffling gait, and tremor for which there are a number of new treatments, one of which is described in the ADAGIO TRIALS.
  • Sciatica

    A type of nerve root irritation (Radiculopathy) where one can experience pain, numbness, weakness or a combination of symptoms along the entire coarse of the nerve or anywhere along its pathway. A diagnosis can be easily made with an EMG/Nerve Conduction Study.
  • Strokes

    A neurologic emergency where there is lack of blood supply that can result in permanent neurological damage.
  • Syncope

    Complete or incomplete loss of consciousness due to fainting, drops in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances and certain types of seizures.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury

    External force resulting in internal damage to the brain.
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