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Neurologic and Headache Associates


Services Provided

  • Autonomic Nervous System Testing (ANS)

    A tool used to assess for conditions such as Orthostasis, POTS, Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy.
  • EEG: Routine & Ambulatory

    Used to assess brain function to look for abnormal electrical activity of the brain which can be seen in types of dementia, seizure disorders.
  • Electromyogram (EMG) / Nerve Conduction Study (NCS)

    Electrical testing of the nerves, which can diagnosis problems from the spine, muscles, and extremities. This test when performed properly by a skilled and experienced physician should not cause significant pain or discomfort. The procedure itself should take only a matter of minutes. Dr. Pearlstein has personally performed over 50,000 EMG's and performs the study himself from start to finish.
  • Home Sleep Study (HST)

    A study to assess for Sleep Apnea.
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